

I can't seem to move on beyond this day.
I stay in the same place, heading the same way.
As time past for the gay, for me, this is where I stay.

Like a hamster on its wheel, I run till I can't feel.
I ask myself, is this real, as I pick at my veins until the blue river spill.

I'm ask for a rhyme or reason.
I'm asked why, for these sudden changes in season.
Is it affection the purpose, for your attention.
Why do you have such of an affliction?

In response, all I can say, you see a future, tomorrow is a new day.
You see sunshine and rainbows, that's all I should say.
I see no future, nor do I believe I will make it through the day.
Here it's always raining, the skies, are always grey.
When I close my eyes, I hope I don't awake.

© Brandon Dale Henderson