

They ask me, what's so special about him?
When he's the man, the epitome of
a gentleness.
He's the one who cherishes my taste in music,
The one who treasures my poems,
The keeper of our little promises.

They wonder, aren't all men like that? No, they're not.
When he's is the one one who listens endlessly,
The one who sings my favorite song,
The one who never mocks, just to seem "cool,"
The one who embraces my love for jazz and K-pop,
The one who eagerly hears about the latest drama I've watched.

He's the one who loves me the same every day,
Whether I am pretty or plain.

But alas, this is just a poem, a dream unfurled,
For in reality, such a man is rare in today's world.
© htk