

Struggle, not a game of few hours,weeks,months or year,
Its the whole life a person has to bear.
Struggle is what begins before the birth,
A person as a baby ready to step on the earth.
Struggle begins when a person as a baby opens the eyes,
To express the feelings and desires with lots of cries.
Struggle is what is faced at infancy,
To learn to sit,walk,talk,eat with adequacy.
Struggle of a person at the stage of a kid,
Exploring and adapting to vicinity he is amid.
Struggle is what is faced by a school student,
Focussing on studies,sports,congenital talent.
Struggle is what is experienced by a teen,
Overcoming societal, parental,peer pressure in order to sheen.
Struggle is what is faced at the stage of youth,
Establish the identity,flourish the career to bear sweet fruit.
Struggle is what is faced by couples,
Developing harmonious relationship despite troubles.
Struggle is what is faced by father and mother,
Nurture,upbring the offspring,no matter how much to suffer.
Struggle is what a person faces at the age of sixty,
Dealing with health issues,signs of aging and harsh reality.
Struggle is what is faced by an aged person,
Loss of physical,cognitive ability and forgetfulness happen.
Hence life is nothing but a synonym of struggle,
As intricating as a maze and jigsaw puzzle.
