

Loud Silence
The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows.
All you could hear was the sound of;
Fear knocking on the doors,
Seeking refuge in our souls,
Creating bonds of terror,
To last a lifetime of solitude.
With parties of funlesness-
Turning the rave of pandemic era;
A craving for pandemonium,
Becomes a social media trend,
Since sanity is at a dead end.
We wash hands, but not sins;
We commit crimes, but not seen;
As we must face masks, once out;
Or death traps, once in!
All this, while at a distance,
Physically from our neighbors:
A weird show of love!
Protecting our bodies from a contagion;
Subtly grooming thoughts of rebellion;
Against the Supreme for abandoning man,
To take control for a second!