

Gods Memo: Not Working as Intended
He has left us alone
But some shafts of light
Sometimes grace the
Small corner of our rooms

Disguised dismay
Over creation of brilliant brains
With judgemental display
An overthinking competence did we prevay

Anarcharic survival
Pervasive display
His failed creation does bring Him uncomfortable placate

No room for improvement
No broom for showmanship
Indeed our wickedness shows
A hasty retreat upon Earth's mortal coil

Now brilliant minds begin anew
Poor suckless souls end a-blue
Seeking the propagation
Of Deaths awfully kind ruse

Watching it all
He does not protest
How could Ye
a solemn vow of no invention

Humans are as fickle
As a warm hearted tickle
Switching heart
As a cold hearted hearth

Only pure our coming and going
Muckful betweens fill our seems
Where does it all go
Our sickful weaning upon this planet we call
© BonfireSide