

Life's work
Nothing hurts most but the truth:
For it's the foundation of the earth ,
But man himself has made it worse..
And that's the course of life, till death.

Indeed life's work is a lecture...
Clearly shown not with a gesture,
And this ofcourse is an adventure,
To prove it all in agriculture.

Life's work is the courage '
Our elders work and even encourage...
All the generations that are underage,
Through hardwork you can have average...
Share on resources to make a beverage,
For that's the only way you can have coverage...
On life, and the rest of it is just wastage.

Tough and rough times brought to us to test'
Life's pleasure and treasure in heart to taste,
Sympathy and empathy is what we hold as chaste...
Humility and gentility will make for us paste,
To lay free in the life to come after the body is laid waste '
For nothing after all will last...
And through goodness only we can rest.
© saakigift