

He ran towards the door, rushing on the stairs

Passing through every stare,

he reached the street

People going to work, birds chirping,

the wind started playing with his hair

His overgrown beard,

and his eyes adjusting with the light

After months of isolation and inky nights,

he felt a kiss of sun on his cheeks

His clothes worn out, his naked feet

He started screaming his lungs out,

exhibiting his naked needs

Weeping, sobbing, and shouting

He fell to his knees, a grown man broken to pieces

He was a fabulous actor, playing different characters

His audience was right there, all eyes were on him

But this time, he didn't care

This character he never wanted but he can only bear

He wanted to shred every drop of tear

Mother, entered the scene, the stage so keen

She hold him, tried to pull him

But he was not moving,

He just stopped, moved his red eyes towards mom

She was surprised, this was not her son,

The son, she pushed to the edge of sanity, with every taunt

All his life, with every criticism he went morbid

She finally realized looking at him on that world stage,

he has lost it

I am not writing this, because I loved him, hated him

Or Because I want you all, through him

I am writing this because

I am one bad day away from becoming him.

© lordcarbin