

She broke our heart
She said i am broken,
I have trust issue.
I told don't worry baby,
I am here to take care of you.

I thought two broken heart will intertwine,
Might create something beautiful left to feel alive.
But she had trust issue, she can't be happy,
So what she did???
She broke our heart which was still intertwined.

I tried to hold on, hold our hearts,
But it was broken, not a easy works,
I tried to love, but trust was not enough,
We loved, we cared, but she couldn't trust,
So what she did???
She broke our heart which was still intertwined.

I tried to stop, tried to hold her heart,
But i too was broken, i wasn't enough.
I tried to love, tried to fall, tried to hold on,
I couldn't. So what she did??
She broke our heart which was still intertwined

© y1shubham