

In the vast expanse of time, life's journey unfurls,
A symphony of moments, a dance of pearls.
From dawn's first light to twilight's gentle sigh,
Life's tapestry weaves, beneath the endless sky.

In every heartbeat's rhythm, in every breath we take,
Life whispers its secrets, in choices that we make.
From the cradle to the grave, in joy and in strife,
Life is a precious gift, a precious spark of life.

In the laughter of children, in the wrinkles of age,
Life's story unfolds, on each and every page.
Through triumph and through sorrow, through love and through loss,
Life's lessons are learned, beneath the guiding cross.

So cherish each sunrise, and embrace each day,
For life is but a fleeting, precious bouquet.
Let gratitude be our compass, let kindness be our guide,
As we journey through the wonders, of this life's wild ride.
