

I sit in my Chambers in the dark
my forgotten changers
my coffin my hearse my home...
I sit here I sit here contemplating my life choices...
what kind of person I really am I'm starting to accept that I am scum up here not the filthiest I'm getting close just need a dig a little more deeper....

where the truth lives...
deep in the bow scum..

what does that word truly mean to you.....

I will tell you what if you willing to sit down and listen and look at a mirror what is wrong with this country...
you people judge for no reason...

you will soon when people are different they're up for failure and I flip of a coin let's get the spikes. in the gasoline and the crucifix they are demons... you f****** b****** you people are just wrong and terrible I hope you fall into dicks and die I hope Satan assumes your soul...

I will tell you this we are broken
we are cursed we are Damned

we are suffering on inside we are burning alive like you people are driving we are dying. you do not know us you question our resistance keep my words we will be remembered were fallen angels we are scum and not know the half of it and the leader is falling...
lingering into nothing open your eyes general...
our resistance is intertwined with the new world... our music it's fading our words it's fading no one listens anymore I