

I'm leaving this unsettled with you
in a hope that maybe one day I'll find the reason to why my heart wanted you so badly,
why I could not think of anyone other than you despite all the coldness you showed me,
why I kept longing for you even though I knew you are not destined to be mine,
why I wanted to share my everything with you when there was nothing from your side,
why I had those silly plans in my mind and fantasies so wild,
why I wanted it to last forever even though there was no sign
why I battled my emotions and cried alone when you had no thought of mine

I'm leaving this unsettled not because I'm done or drained.
I still have a lot of energy left,
there's no end to the possibilities and
Maybe one day you'll think what you've lost
Maybe one day you too will look for me
the way I did

But i am quitting in a hope that perhaps it will bring some peace to my mind
which you have stolen and
finally I'll be able to rest with a thought that
few dreams are too good to be real.

© accio thoughts