

Why take the initiative?
I took the initiative and asked you a question but your answer expressed a lot.
Although it was short, I realized
what it is that I forgot.

I forgot that you’re a stranger and have no reason to let me in. I forgot I have a tendency to dive too deep within.

Reading between the lines
are the words that are left unspoken
these absent words
reveal the truth
of how you feel in person.

If I met you in a coffee shop,
I doubt you would look my way.
Yet alone talk to me
or give me the time of day.

The more I take the initiative
I began to realize an utter truth.
I’m not really worth a persons time,
this feeling is nothing new.

I’m just a spec a dust inside
this planet we call earth.
A compilation of molecules,
more worthless then the dirt.

The older I get, the more I see
how disconnected we’ve become.
And it saddens me to see the pain
and the person I’ve become.

I see why people kill themselves
And give up on what they love.
For whats the point in trying
And living a life alone?

If people didn’t need each other
then why are we even here?
Whats the the point in trying
if no one even knows you’re there.

The fact is, if you died today,
no one would even care.
No one’s asking how’s your day,
truly no one cares.

How can you get to know someone
if you never ask a question?
What’s the point in talking
if there’s no one there to listen?

What’s the point in reaching out
to those you find intriguing?
All the while knowing
that they’ll probably just end up leaving.

Why do you initiate
with people you never met?
When people in your tangible world
just make you have regrets.

It goes ok for a little while
until they get to know you.
And soon they realize “you’re far to deep”
And Slowly they ignore you.

It’s almost as if,
intellectual conversation
is virtually non existent.
We can put it in a poem Or post it
but we can’t share the same in person.

Most People seem to be content
with the circle of friends they have.
There is no room left for me
inside this life I cannot grasp.

So what’s the point in taking the initiative
With anyone in this world?
Reciprocation is always best
especially when it comes to girls.

© JustAnotherInkling🎨