

Life or virginity
It was not at all her fault
That she lost her virginity
She was abducted, raped and molested
Yet on her none felt pity
People only badmouthed her
And made her feel more and more guilty
She was blamed
For being raped
Didn't probaby cover herself well
That's what everyone suspected
She was scared and traumatized
And never stopped crying for a while
Because of the vile mentality of the society
She even tried to end her life
She felt she was not pure anymore
And that she would now be called
A slut, homewrecker or a whore
But the truth is a little bit overthrown
Purity is not for the body but for the soul
Please this is my dire and humble request
Never push a girl is such situations
Because you have no idea what she might have faced
If you really want your energy to be wasted
Then support her and encourage her at her time of distress
And if you ever feel to blame her
Just this thing you ask yourself
If you were to choose
Between a dead virgin girl
Or a girl who is safe and alive
And moreover if she's your daughter or sister
What then shall be your choice

© soumi's_here