

I begin to wonder if I am worth nothing more
than the few accomplishments I've made.
The few hobbies I have.
I'd say I'm average, nothing better than what others could do.
I've really just started, everything I play sounds horrible.
Figure skating.
If only I had started sooner.

I wish and wish that I can just be
To feel better.
I wish that I am able to land those skating jumps,
or able to play that riff,
or able to paint that picture.
Yet I can't.
I am reduced to my failures,
I'm failing history.
I'm two years ahead, it's difficult.
I'm 'gifted', but not truly.
I may be advanced but all anyone sees is the letter grades, not my hobbies or ability to understand.
I am judged simply by the numbers.
Never am I seen for the things I really enjoy.
© AceNeverExistedd.