

The Other Side of The Known Story
I'm a human, they say.
I was originally made of clay.
I'm supposed to walk a certain way.
And try hard to not go astray.
My desires should be within certain boundaries.
I should focus more on the necessities.
But I have a troubled mind.
It questions everything assigned.
My eyes became blind.
Seeking the way it wishes to find.
My soul feels confined.
My voice is silenced.
Because talking must be licensed.
Vision should be buried.
And who has it shall be parried.
Because how dare you be against the flow?!
Don't you see that they're the ones who clearly know?!
How dare you try to grow?!
You're supposed to believe them and blindly go low.
But I'd gladly be their worst foe.
Rather than allowing them mold me like a dough.
© R.mahmoud