

Finding Strength In Your Weaknesses
I tell myself that the first step is accepting who I am,
Accepting me completely;
everything I have lost,
everything I have done,
the person that I was and that I am,
It's pretty difficult coming to terms with all that defines you,
you think you don't want it to be you or for it to define you
but at the end of the day,
it is the reason why you are YOU
All that you have been through is what has molded you into this person that wants to be better;
that wants to do better.
It might actually be the best part of you.
So, that shame,
that fear,
that uncertainty,
that regret...own it
It is the greatest weapon you could ever wield,
It is the greatest shield you will ever own,
Forget the naysayers,
forget the doubts in your head,
forget the voices telling you "you can't"
forget the obstacles you see on the way,
just keep pushing through.
But the first step is accepting YOU,
all of YOU
Let your weakness turn to strength
© zozas_handwriting