

TOO beautiful to be DEFEATED
the feelings were way too big
Too big a burden for a girl so young to carry
Too big a problem to be shared
Too huge a secret to be told
Well,Here it goes;
They told me I didn't look pretty enough
They told me I was skinny because I wasn't happy enough,
They said I didn't eat much
... said they were ashamed to walk the streets with me
Those words were like a scar..too Deep to heal!

They said I needed to be skinny to be happy
.. said I'll only look like an Amoeba in those dresses
the rain couldn't even wash away my pain!

She told me he didn't love me that much
She told me I wasn't good enough for him
She told me we wouldn't last
I believed every word!
He told me he loved me with his life!
He told me to trust him
He promised me heaven and Earth
Those promises were like

They told me I didn't fit into the career i was heading for
They told me I wasn't bold enough for the part,
They made me feel insecure!
Those insecurities haunted me!
So what now?
It's just me here; against the world
Against the society,against friends
Against my family
But you know what?!
Tell them I'm happy now!
Tell them I'll make it without their validation
Tell them I'm glad they said those things to me.
Those words built me!

Say me hi to my lover,
Heard he found another
I hope in her he found the perfect physique
Tell him those words still burns
But they made me stronger,
Tell her I love her
Tell her I never meant for her to get hurt
Tell her I found a sister in her
Or at least that's what I thought
Sad isn't it?

Tell them I love them
But now I must go;Away from them,
Away from the shame,
Away from thinking I wasn't good enough
Or pretty enough
Tell them I found my happy place
A place free of toxic people
It's not so perfect,but I found it.

© Ani .T. chinaza