

Unbearable Itch!
I itch all over.
I try to scratch.
But it wont go away,
Cause its you.
Your deep below the skin.
And I can't get you to go away.
Yet you are gone.
But I still feel you.
Far below the muscles even.
You go so deep that it hurts to think of it.
You loved me once.
Might still feel it.
Why didn't it work?
Where we to alike?
Where we not ment to be?
Was fate not on our side?
Please tell me I'm lying to myself.
Please tell me she means nothing to you.
That she was merely a pawn to get me over you,
And if so it didn't work.
Cause I can't with-out you.
My eye's are now out of all the're tears,
And I've had about as much pain as I'm gonna take.

© A.R.Kicinski