

Anything but a Human
In my next life, I hope to be a water lily
In a rarely visited lagoon
I hope to be a butterfly
That emerges from it's cocoon

I want to be a bird
So I can soar the skies
Or a summer sunset
That looks beautiful as it dies

Anything but Human
With intelligence abound
Aware of every trip we make
Once the world around

We're plaqued by our existence
Knowing we will cease
And try to make the best of life
On this planet we disease

I wish to be a creeping vine
Stretching towards the sun
Anything but Human
Celebrating wars that I've won

I'd like to be an Ocean wave
Ebbing at the shores
Or a seashell taken by a child
Before the innocence is tore

All that being has brought to me
Is bountiful confusion
And all I know for certain is
I ache to be anything but a human

© Willows