

Reality Check
As a kid,
I used to think that love was magical,
But as I grew up,
I realized that it was a curse.

Love is just another word for Cage,
You're trapped in an endless nightmare,
You try to call out for help but you're silenced,
And even if you do call out, no one listens.

You wish for the nightmare to end,
You wish for the pain to stop,
You wish that you weren't so weak in the beginning,
So easily deceived with the promise of love.

Unless you fight,
Unless you struggle,
Unless you cry out for help till your voice turns hoarse,
You can never be free from your cage.

Love brings suffering,
Suffering brings pain,
Pain brings trauma,
And trauma brings distrust.

Due to my trauma,
I don't think that I can trust love again,
I never want to be so weak again,
I never want to be in a cage again.

I know that there's someone out there for me,
Waiting for me,
Reaching out to me,
But I'm afraid to take that hand,
I'm afraid to be hurt again.

The four letter word that made me so cold,
It made my heart to turn to stone,
It made me bitter,
And it made me angry at life.

Reality is a harsh mistress,
But love is harsher,
It brings out everything horrible about life,
Makes you wish it doesn't exist,
Doesn't it?

© Enma Eden