

Don't quit
Today might be hard
But tomorrow would be better
We all get sad
But things would get better
I know things are quite tough
But don't let it bother us

We are all good
As u know positive mean plus
And negative means minus
So you know something
Subtract all the negativity
And add the joy in your life

Life is not about losing hope
Life is not about being harsh
Life is not about ending life
Life doesn't deserve to be given up on
Instead take it as a chance
From the almighty

Come on rise and shine
Just like the Sun and the Moon
Remember this is not about giving up
This is about making your life better
Don't quit
Make your dreams happen
Life don't count on us
We count on life

Live,love and laugh
With one another
Unite with your loved ones
Don't let simple things
Meddle in your life of your loved ones
Today they are here
But we aren't sure
If they would be here tomorrow

So don't ruin your happiness
Don't stop giving up
Go make the best out of life
Life is not perfect
But with the foundation of
Make the best thing happen
© karishmaheera