

cocaine woman
how the fuck I let you get to me?
you made all nights look sad
like drunk parents, you see
I kept letting you use me for a fucking get up
I didn’t know how to stop, like a fucking hiccup
I was seeing past the cocaine residue,
and the carpet stains of liquor
plus the fact you are a drug addicted hipster;

you got me every time
with those sad childhood stories
you were just using me, I was in denial,
even made me want to settle down
at least until you overdose off that shit,
but if that happens, my heart would be broken
and you know I’d blame myself forever
but I kept on giving you more of it;

you lost me this time, you can’t ignore it,
I just pray you pull your cards right,
hope you won’t meet the wrong dealer
because you’ll learn that
no matter how many lines you’ll do,
the effect will never be realer.

© edw6rd