

Lonely Man
There was this lonely man,
study was all he can.
Books were his best friend,
never cared about any trend.
He had such a big mind,
only wanted to be kind.
Science, computer and math
were his favourites, but no one saw his wrath.

There he was born, as a beautiful creation.
But he never yapped, so he faced rejection.
He wasn't "cool", he wasn't judgy,
But he knew that he himself was lucky.

Lucky that he can't be influenced,
can't be disturbed,
can't be provoked and just left alone.

People called him names,
but he had no fame.
He realized that the world is cruel,
that was his top fuel,
to live wirh peace,
static like trees,
is what he found as life.

This is my message to all,
whether it's summer or fall,
make sure you respect the nerds,
or you will fail like the herds.
All they want is respect,
all you have to do is accept.
That you are what you are,
and they are what they are.

It's okay to be a nerd,
it's okay to be part of a herd.
It's okay to be a perfectionist,
It's okay to be a pessimist.
It's okay to be anything,
everything or nothing.

© Sujay G