

My Africa
My Africa, The Mother

My beautiful home,

Mother Africa, all she dreams of is true freedom.

From Cape to Cairo, she has been a mother to all.

From black, white, yellow and all the colours in between.

Although she isn't extravagant, she has enough for her children.

She isn't flashy but she sure is attractive,

So much so that she attracted an evil eye.

‘A railway connecting from Cape to Cairo', one had such ambitions,

They wanted to dominate my Africa and own her, forced her into multiple marriages through treaties.

They even stole from her.

From the Rand to her children.

She bore her strong sons and daughters.

Just like every mother she wished them happiness.

But what happened?

My Africa, the mother, she watched helplessly as her sons and daughters were taken away to foreign lands.

She watched them suffer in the fields overseas across all oceans.

These salty waters separated a mother from her children, a land from it's fortune.

Yes, all of it has become another's pride, her children, others' source of labor.

Even now my Africa cries, even now not much has changed for Africa's children.

Through centuries the African child is looked down upon.

From spears, bows and arrows to guns,

Africa's child lies dead in the streets as if his life is worthless.

Africa's children are despised for their skin colour.

When will her children have freedom?

My colourful Africa, My Mother,

My home along with the Big Five, Nile, Kilimanjaro, mosi oa tunya ‘The smoke that thunders’ turned into the Victoria falls and the adopted ‘Star of Africa'

Home to all beings.

My Africa, the mother,

She only has one dream, Freedom.
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