


In the festive echo's sway,
Amidst twinkling lights' array,
A tale of growth begins to play,
As old year bids farewell, and new holds sway.

From the ashes of the past,
We rise like phoenixes, steadfast,
Embracing change, holding fast,
As the new year's promises are cast.

With each chime of midnight's toll,
A chance for transformation we behold,
Leaving behind what no longer serves our soul,
Welcoming the new, making it whole.

Like buds in spring, we bloom,
Embracing possibilities, breaking free from gloom,
With each step, we find our room,
In this dance of life, vibrant and in full bloom.

So let's celebrate this transition anew,
Embrace the growth, the dreams that ensue,
For the festive echo holds the clue,
To a year filled with joy, for me and you.
© Wealth blessing