

Forever's Forever
In the vast chasm of everlasting existence,
Where time unfurls, defying resistance,
We stand at the midpoint, gazing into the abyss,
Reflecting on the eternal span, such celestial bliss.

Cast your eyes back, as far as they can delve,
The tapestry of time stretching beyond what we can tell,
Forever's cradle, where beginnings were conceived,
A continuum expanding, unseen and unretrieved.

The future, a horizon painted forever ahead,
An enigmatic realm with secrets yet to be spread,
But in this wondrous moment, where we reside,
The grandeur of this immense time scale does confide.

The treachery of time lies in its elusive power,
Allotting us moments, but not in their entirety to devour,
Yet, within the fragments lies a profound depth,
A missing piece that could unlock wisdom's wealth.

For even the slightest glimpse of a life unknown,
Can compound into answers, a plethora to be shown,
In the face of such enlightenment, even gods may adore,
As knowledge's godliness expands forevermore.

The staircase of knowledge, infinite and vast,
Each step a leap towards understanding amassed,
Yet, does it grant the stairway to peace, so resplendent,
An equal footing in nirvana, captivatingly transcendent?

In the depths of eternal spaces, we find our way,
Where time unravels, eons and light-years in sway,
Dwelling, progressing, and creating amidst cosmic grace,
A sublime canvas for our dreams and ambitions to embrace.

But why are we, like forever, not bound?
A profound question in the vastness profound,
Perhaps, it lies in our quest for purpose and meaning,
To explore the infinite, in moments intervening.

And so, we revel in the present's fleeting embrace,
Embracing the cosmic dance, with wonder we chase,
For forever's canvas holds both truth and mystery,
A tapestry of existence, where we shape our history.
© NightSwimThePoet