

My husband, please stop
Stop beatin' me
Did you marry me to beat me
Like a punching bag
Or as your lovely wedded wife?

My husband, please stop
Stop beatin' me
Why did you listen to your mum?
She hates me like death
A witchy wife she calls me

My husband, please stop
Stop beatin' me
Were you not the who one said
All village women were like your sisters?
Now my head is full of their fitina(obstinacy)

My husband, please stop
Stop beatin' me
Were you not the who one said
All village men were like your brothers?
Now you call me a harlot,why?

My husband, please stop
Stop beatin' me
Did I not cook you the food,
Food which you left no money for?
Yet you smell of local liquor like a rotten egg

My husband, please stop
Stop beatin' me
Did we not beget these children,
The children whom you call rats?
Ragged rats like scarecrows you say, but why?
© Stephen Juma