

Flowers-She dreams,when she bleeds
Inadvertently, sitting on the first bench,
The girl behind vigorously wrenched,
Notwithstanding her immense pain
She only focused at her big red stain.

Adding to her tensed atmosphere,
She refused her even to get up from the chair,
No matter even if she famished,
She must stay until the entire class has vanished

All solutions for the situation dealings,
With no remedy for her feelings,
Everyone has a plan to hide,
But no one dares to stand up and fight

Innumerable facts and theories about it she has heard from her nins,
but to bring a change in society for it will be a sin,
To talk about it openly will be a shame,
And a unholy stigma to family's name

Collecting all her courage she stands of slowly and steadily,
Perhaps to bring a new change in society she's ready,
With all her flaws,
She is ready to frame her own laws.

Paying no heed to all the whispers,
She emergency as a perfect epitome of a hustla among her peers.
Noticing no staring eyes,
She walked off for a thing not meant to be shy.

Her eyes shining softly with confidence,
Her personality reflected true beauty of elegance
She hasn't broken any norms of society and its culture,
But only given a message that the process is just natural.

She isn't wrong,
But a young cocoon bold enough to be strong
She has dreams,
Even when she bleeds.