

The journey has come to an end,
Weaving through meandering paths,
Sometimes alone, often with a friend
A tear stained face, a stolen glance
Brought her right back, only one stance
Was it real, could she not recall
Was her friend pushed or did she fall?
To much had happened since that fateful day
Doubt for certain was here to stay!
She pondered but knew not here to look
Then all at once, she spotted the book
Her memory suddenly refreshed anew
Forgiveness sought, given but to few!
She pulled her mentor to her side
This crime she simply could not hide
Alas forgiveness was not implied
She lost this right the day her victim died
New beginnings, no longer apt
Happiness lost, once her phone was tapped
Her body stayed gently and fro
A feeling, she would now often know
The air felt thin as her fate was sealed
Anger now and grief concealed
Her arms embraced the shattered wench
Let her go, let her go, before she is lynched.