

Blow the trumpet.
This is a letter to my leaders,
And to all responsible readers,
Who will extend the message to the feeders,
And ofcourse you should even tell the breeders,
To examine what they've done in our boarders.

This is not a matter to scorn,
It's obvious that all of us should mourn ,
I found little friends watching porn,
This indeed, is so forlorn,
That all our morals are forever gone .

African culture is now darken,
Discipline and respect for elders is forgotten,
And ideally activist are craven,
Not because there's no cause for them to awaken,
It's just that their actions are constantly stricken,
And who will help my Africa nearly fallen!

North, East and West, have made allies...
Religion and politics, are to devise...
Ways on how, to share the sinful prize. .
Of money by silencing all the wise..
Who see the fault, and they arise..
Defending humanity and answer the cries...
Of victims trapped by sexual minority lies...
Of gay cartoons spoiling little one's eyes...
These programs are meant to chastise...
Immorality, and to reduce the size...
Of good morals amongst our lives.

Same x marriages, it comprises,
Fear of God, it despises,
Norms and customs, it minimizes
Good morals in children, it declines.

Gift and money they use as ties,
In love and care they disguise,
Protecting your rights but godliness it denies,
You will be trapped if you go for the tries,
You won't be able to escape, for they have spies,
And what they do, is to give you pies,
And money so that you may be able to revise,
Their actions and even
give advise, in great lies,
That it's nice
But just a pit.

Finally they've met in an accomplice,
Recruiting religious leaders in their armistice,
Saying rights to ' sexual minorities '
is also justice '
It's false and indeed a very bad practice.

The cause for the rising of this immoral dust,
Is due to greed and individual lust,
Selfishness and ungodliness that now burst,
Infecting good morals in us that we trust.

Where is the control of this moral rust?
Spreading like wildlife so disgust!
We can stop it though it seems as cussed,
Let's openly point the acts that are unjust'
Join hands and voices to thrust,
Away this evil from the earth's crust,
Yes with descesions we can adjust..
And resolve plans that will help combust.
No one, except you and I, entrust,
The power to curb down this weird lust.

The other issue I address is crisis,
It's a disease caused by greed practices,
Breeding and flourishing from the axis,
And yet infecting the whole progress,
Farmers and sellers have no access, All human kind is affected by this status.

Rise up leaders we need your energy,
We trusted you to make a strategy,
It's your voices we need and not biology,
Come up together and shut down criminology,
For all I discussed no need of apology...
I rest my case.

© saakigift