

Spilling Minus What I am to have
Your Inner strength,
Can't easily be seen by the metric,
An inherent asset in great lengths,
To learn and improve to not become dyslexic
Or minus the thrill
Of how I flow
To that ocean an back
how I see flowers an checks
how perfume after a bath
got 🐝 s chasing me
As my run is in different ways
which others know not of
An think I am lost
But apart of me is here and there
an no I don't want to get out
when I am here
with in my mind hearing you
in my mediation state
As you want to break my condition
for your own poring
like waste my water
and then tell about how I am
wasting it.
No I see the unwritten
the unmasked
thee pen helps me to
cope with lack of
even if people think
I don't suffer
but I do
So if you have power
why say stop this or that
An shatter my glass
with your ways
an have my love so confused
he doesn't have the right answers
for me
Or naysayers
stating we are not her people
or with her unless
she gets new people
or is out all day
yes my blind eyes heard them all
I cry inside
I cry in my art work
I cry when y'all yell
knowing I am trapped by holdups
By the words of all mouths
who think
I have to explain what I don't got
to explain
But I need explainations as to why?
They held me and things around me
in I
limbo with out a word as to why?
And others cry on my behave but
I am so unloved
I leaves this undone
in the most of my
ice cream without sugar
or a cone
Because the health does not
allow for pleasure
until I get my A one C down
Then I can party like
it's 2022 ok
So getting better
to be in next year !

© hmmmm