

Turning eighTEEN
I still remember how I felt the day you were born,
And now I feel really proud to call you my first born.

It seems like just yesterday you turned thirteen,
One blink, one sigh and today you turn eighteen.

Every year brings in a fresh wave of colours and joy,
But this year is special as you grow up into a BIG boy.

Turning eighteen means freedom with little responsibility,
Turning eighteen also means fun with a little clarity.

Now, you have the power to vote and get yourself tattoos,
Now, you can raise your voice and smash some taboos.

Bike rides, Late nights and even Weird pubs,
Girl friends, College bunks and Favourite clubs

Will completely become your new normal
And u might look at 17 yr olds as abnormal.

Engineer, Entrepreneur, Data Scientist,
Traveller, Photographer, an Artist

Or all put together in one
Is going to be ur decision.

So tread carefully, fall down, make mistakes,
Watch out, get up and know your stakes.

All I want to say is whether Eighteen or not
In our hearts, you will always have a spot.
© #hotchipps
