

how do I bleed down my feelings
how do I bleed down my feelings?
do I make you understand even if i don't understand,
do I want you to listen...
while I ramble on trying to find my words,
or i could find a song and sing it in lyrics
maybe you would see through it
maybe you wouldn't think I'm weird,
strange or crazy?
right' who am I kidding
wouldn't it just be better to say I'm fine,
sound less sentimental and end the conversation
but how could I ?
when i'm feeling a thousand emotions,
running through my mind is different thoughts, it's a commotion
I can't recognise my own words, there's a break in connection,
I walk steadily yet naturally, my heart heavier than the weight on my body,
I can feel everything yet nothing,
every single strand of my hair in motion
I can smell the rain, I can feel the breeze deep within like a sensation, as I curl my toes in anticipation,
waiting for something yet to come,
waiting for nothing at all,
how I wish the rain would get heavier
so we could scream in sync,
I want to get so cold, it would be the only thing I feel,
maybe it would wake my soul to feel my teeth clenching,
maybe my heart would feel lighter when it's beating wild and rapid
maybe my eyes popping out of its socket would finally give in and
I would stop breathing,
maybe then I would stop feeling ...

© rookie poet