

Under the Bright Moon
As the days go by,
Each more depressing than the last,
I can't help but let the tears,
The frustrated tears of my heart,
Caress down my cheeks.

As the days run by,
Each more oppressing than the last,
I can no longer stop the dark thoughts,
Which are buried in my mind and remain dormant,
To remain silent and they run amok in my head.

As the days fly by,
I keep losing any remaining shard of hope,
That dime light of hope,
I can't keep it alit no longer,
And the darkness overshadows me.

Here, under the soft light of the moon,
I sit in despair,
As I look up at its beauty with tears in my eyes,
Begging, pleading, wishing, hoping,
For everything to get better.

But nothing ever comes easy,
Nothing ever comes cheap,
I realize that now,
And I don't see any other better choice,
Than to take that dark, outstretched hand.

All I yearn for right now,
All I wish for right now,
Is for peace and everything to get better,
But expectations are hardly met
Even with one's best efforts.

I thought I was strong,
I thought I could shoulder it all,
I was wrong,
I wasn't as strong as I thought,
I am weak.

I am tired,
So tired of it all,
When will the bullshit end?
When will he fulfil his role to us?
When will he realise that he has responsibilities to fulfil?

As the days wave goodbye,
I can't help but look over to the dark figure,
Smile reassuring and promising,
I can't help but considering taking hold of it's outstretched hand,
And letting it engulf me in it's dark and warm embrace,
And letting it sweep me away,
Far away.

I am tired,
I am fed up,
I look up at the ever lasting moon,
And plead for it to all end.

© Enma Eden