

"Sanskari" (civilised) & justified crime: Domestic Violence
I see her hoeing the barren fields….

despite the fierce sun.

It seems like she’s wearing a

dozen of cornel-red glass bangles….

which are not clanking peculiarly.

It seems like she’s wearing a

pair of pearl-embellished jhumkas (earrings)….

which are bigger than her ears peculiarly.

It seems like she’s wearing

a diamond-encrusted choker….

whose diamonds are protruding vertically and peculiarly.

It seems like she’s wearing

black blue eye-shadow….

which is tailing her beauty off peculiarly.

And as I advance towards her I notice…..

That the quiet bangles seem peculiar,

because they are pierced deeply into her arms….

that the jhumkas seem bigger than her ears,

because her helices were burnt…..

that the vertically protruding diamond choker seems peculiar,

because they are not diamonds but the pieces

of liquor bottles pierced into her neck……

That the black-blue eye-shadow seems peculiar,

because they are the marks of her being punched.

And, that she is not hoeing the field, BUT

digging a grave for herself…

and that she is HUMANITY.

  _Sunitanandhinee Vanshika

p.s. took it from my blog post