

Have you ever been gossipped about?
Don't ever combat that gossip about you.
Don't attempt to set the record right.
Never try to clarify things;
For things will only get worse.
Just mark, ignore and steer clear
Of such a crappy deal now;
Because the more you stir shit,
The more it stinks to stir others.
Gossip has nothing to do with you,
But all to do with the gossip.
The undergird of gossip is jealousy;
That's the whole matter!
Note that you have the grace
That they so much crave but have not.
And you take up an enviable spotlight
They so much dream of but in vain.
Now they simply want to break you,
And cause you to quit your mission.
Just ignore them and move on.
Gossip is a rumour spread only
By jealous, mean and aimless allies.
Beware that every rumour seeks
For the attention of its victim.
Don't give your focus and time
To any rumour shared about you;
But instead, use that evil rumour
To motivate yourself upward
And prove to your gossips that
You cannot be stopped by their vicious lies....