


A weird kind of rapture
Somewhere between
Sight and sound
Sensory confusion
Hitting the iceberg
Man overboard
The Titanic
I lose the grip of Rose’s hand
Taken by the ocean
Like Jake
No lifeboats left for me
Unspoken expectations
Premeditated resentments
This was her love language
It took the wind from my sails
Free falling through the void
Nothing to hold onto
That space between
Love and hate
No Man’s land
At war with myself
A battleground
On which I cannot win
Lost to desolation
The beckoning isolation
I welcomed with a happy sense
Of melancholy
This is somehow better
Then the heartache and anguish
Not a place
From which I can recover
Tormenting my soul
My frequency out of tune
With a good life
My faith in what it is to live
Sown on fallow ground
Chaotic disintegrating
Lost to the Kuiper belt
Without translation
The enigma it is killing me
I needed to love her
Without losing myself
Pushed into a corner
With a capital D for dolour
Placed prominently
On my hat

the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
“your Ringmaster”

Original words and thoughts penned of heart & mind of:
©Warren Mace, A.k.a the Dyslexic Poet™ ✍️
© All Rights Reserved