

my own worst enemy
Dark is the night,
Darker the soul,
Fathomless depths,
Stories untold.
so greusome, so heinous
Such evil foregoes.
The unseen in darkness is a fear like no other, fear of the unknown makes you squirm , makes you shutter.
The monsters we fear are the ones from inside, inside our hearts , inside our minds.

They creep up on you, they go bump in the night.
They make you want to flee , make you want want to fight, make you want to burn them all with no ending in sight .
So travel along, into this ring of fire,
begging the almighty this not be their desire.
stinking flesh ripped from the bone like all you have loved now your alone.
fighting to to be free, form this hell you have created, all the while yearning for the past , and all the memories belated. to frightened to stay to scared to run none will be left when the battle is done.

© S.S.N.Lloyd