

Time for Everything
Every time I feel happy,
Sadness will follow me.
Every time I feel loved,
Heart aches are on the path.

Why I can't just be happy?
No problems, no sadness beside me.
Why I can't love someone,
Without heart aches and pain?

Why in every good times,
There are bad times that follows?
Is it what we called life?
We can't just be happy in every second?

Life is colorful.
Life is awesome and wonderful.
We just need to change our perspective.

By letting God open our eyes and heart,
For us to see the wonder of His art,
And to realize the purpose of this from the very start.

There's a time for everything,
And a season for every activity under Heaven.
There's a bad and good times in our life,
And there is a reason behind it.

God will not let those things happened,
Without reasons behind that thing.
Maybe for now, we still don't get it,
But someday, we will be thankful for it.

Just wait for the perfect timing,
And realize those thing.
Just trust our Father who created everything,
He knows what He's doing.
© nyrle

#purpose #Lifeismeaningful #Colorful #God