

The Narcissist
We hate her.
Hate her pride,
Her domineering smile.
Her snobbish ways, her graceful stride.

We despise the way she looks at us,
As though we are trash.
She's rude and insensitive,
She's malicious and brash.

She's a narcissist through and through.
A perfectionist, so self absorbed.
She never listens to corrections,
Anyone who's tried to do so, she's ignored.

So we don't even come close,
We try to keep our distance.
It's not like we would have ever been good enough for her,
If we tried In the first instance.

We know within us,
That with her grandiosity, she'll end up all alone.
Well that, unless her ridiculous behavior,
Is finally outgrown.

© Ese-Ose