

Candy Roses
I was jealous of his roses even though I gave you mine,
There was glitter on every petal - it kept you happy for the time,
8 or more you'd have before. I never tried 'cause us was plenty,
You're still there but I still fear my flowers are like any candy,

Physical connection with our parts might be enough to smell the truth,
You scare me.. I don't have stories. Can I satisfy well in youth,
Enough I don't know if I love you so I just act after what's bought,
Into playing with my feelings like it's everything I've got,

Theirs were taller, not better looking but that wasn't saying much,
With another they they said my vigor made made up for lacking such,
It didn't make me feel any better but I understand each has their taste,
It made me anger in myself as I did not choose another place

© zemblanituy