

unknown to heart
she fell in love with his soul
before she saw his face
before she could touch his skin
before she got wrapped in his arms
before she got lost in his eye

not knowing when and
why is this obsession

when all he could is make my
heart beat fast when it doesn't want to
when all he could do is make my
eye search for his presence
when all he does is to make me
eager to listen to his voice for hours ..

if this isn't love, then i dont know what it's

but there in a corner of me advicing to not be another flower picked for
beauty and left to die
the afraid of not being loved in return
the fear of being temporary again ..

it is all the journey of preparing for their absence before the attachment

skin never felt, eyes never met
tongue never spoke nor
the ear could hear
but heart did !!

but all it does is fight with
brain for assurance

is it love ? or just an obsession

© shivani ♡