

Who am I?
Follow your dreams
No dream is too big
and the sky is the limit
I dont know what my dream is
maybe I'm too afraid I can't achieve it
or maybe society altered it

Funny how you tell me I shouldn't take no one's judgment
yet you judge and criticise me the most
you command me to fly free
but keep my wings locked up
Expecting me to be perfect
yet perfect isn't even a thing
Blinding me till I can't see between right and wrong

Used to being guilt tripped into decisions
now I struggle to find my worth
What's my purpose I ask myself over and over
I don't even know who I am now
Being depressed because I'm unproductive
but unproductive because I'm depressed
A cycle I wish could just end
And every day I hope to find the part of myself I lost
because I dont think I can take much more of this
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