

think it's time
I've been making mistakes
Over, over, and over again
As if I'm meant to live this way
To never truly be "happy"
Or whatever it is
But I've accepted these mistakes
As a response from Karma
Degrading any doses of pride
To bring myself down a level
Making sure I don't get too high
But I can't lie, it's getting tiring
How can I stop feeling confident
If that's my way of rebuilding myself?
Confidence was a joke to my low self-esteem
Laughing repeatedly like a maniac
Until I found it to not be funny
That's what growing does to you
Going through a lot, to end up feeling a lot
Births knowledge that's just waiting to be unearthed
I believe it's time to do right and be right
If, I know what that means

© Your Rejected Rose