

It's difficult to accept that something that was once your entire world is just gone and doesn't fuckin matter any more... your left shattered with nowhere to go... you bleed internally, painfully slow as it consumes you...all the while, others looking from the outside in can tell no difference if your in pain or no, and nor can they help.....after all, it's your own pain to bear and suffer. What's another going to do to ease your pain other than throw words at you and expect it to help....the damage has already been done, thy very being shattered to pieces and crumbling still.
Shut down long ago due to overwhelming emotions, love, and the sheer weight that mourning brings upon thy heart and soul. I no longer feel the moxie I once had in life for life.....I feel days blend together with the passage of time, neither aware of it nor concerned by it, knowing that the end only draws me closer home. The vigor for life and curiosity that enveloped me as a child has left me, leaving nought but droughts of despair in its ravages...
I so often miss that vivacious young girl, so in love and full of life.....but then I realize, everything in life is temporary, which also means everything must come to an end sooner or later... it's so heart-wrentching to know that life is so fleeting. That moments pass all too quickly into memories and soon become scars upon thy heart that turn life experiences into stories to be told.