

Let me tell you a story about Jake
it's when jake was in a terrible place
doing terrible things
he hated the way that he felt
he just wanted to get out of his hell
before his parents died it was all good and well
now he was only 16
slipping away from reality
no one can stand me
he thinks to himself everyone bullys and picks and kicks on him
his foster dad raping him haunted him
and these kids "just playing" taunted him
I was one of those kids
this isn't even the horrible thing I did,
I told this good friend that I really liked named Kayla to go and date Jake
but it's all only fake as fuck
and just a prank to us
after a few months of them talkin'
she tells me he's falling inlove
and he told her all these personal things about how its hard for him to open up because he was raped
damn I said
and it just pissed me off so much
that he wanted my crush
even tthough I put her up to it
I saw Jake the next day with a big smile on his face
so I slapped it away and told him he was gay
and just acted like nothin' fuckin' happened and then I went to class
Kayla was my partner and I loved to stare at her ass
and Jake sat in the back so I just laughed
when he caught me doing it
I havent fucked her in like four months so i was needin' some and I was pretty sure me and her we're inlove
not only that
Kayla is mine and not that fag's
so I reached over and rubbed her thigh
and whispered to her wanna meet at 5
next thing I knew I was laying on my side
getting stabbed by a knife
I felt the stab wounds go in
but one of the students kicked whoever off that was doing it
and grabbed the knife away I saw Kayla screaming at Jake and I was hearing the teacher call 911
Kayla was saying some thing's that I couldn't hear cuz my mind was else where
and I look over at Jake I hear him say to her I thought you cared
and then he starts shedding tears
and falls on the ground below his pears fast forward a couple years to when I was 19 I've graduated and engaged to Kayla
it was all real and nothing to make up
It was normal day I was coming home from work excited to see Kayla's happy smirk
I walked into my house
and didn't hear a sound
I look for kayla and I found her on our bed
she was lying face down bleedin'
covered in seaman
I run to help her but I don't feel her breathin'
she's laying down next to a letter that says in blood have fun grievin'
with a J next to it
and right there I knew who did it
I give my baby one last kiss on her lips
I remembered losin' myself to addiction
trying to numb the pain
the cops never found Jake
no one knew where he was
I was in such disgust
that my lovers killer was still alive after month of her death
she didn't deserve what she got
It should have been me instead
I felt so bad for what I did to jake
now that all changed
I was gonna find him no matter what it would take