


Came across a beautiful article
thought of sharing it with all
Many of us might relate to this ... specially
who take life with a pinch of salt and
don't let age kickball.

My wonder days have begun ....as in...
I wonder where I left my car keys
Wonder have I even locked my 🚗 car
Do you know if the market is open today ?
So that I don't have to drive that far.
I wonder what is the agenda of the meeting
please can you help me with the power point ?
By the way when is the meeting scheduled
is it today , tomorrow or after I have joined 😄.
Wonder where I have kept my specs
I have some important work to do
Oh god !
they are smartly perched on my head
wonder how they reached there and as if got stuck with glue.
I wonder how I managed work and home
with helping hands only mine
wonder when and how time flew away
ageing me gracefully with lovely laughing lines.🤔👍😀

© Liquid words @28