

it's only love
You say that you're not afraid,
And that there's nothing to be afraid of.
But you never knew how easy it was to read through the fire in your eyes.
I saw the softness in your soul;
The softness that lingers to break free and melt in my arms.

You say that you're not afraid, yet your lips are shaking.
Darling, why can't you just let me in.

There's nothing to be afraid of—we both know that, yet you're still staring at the cup of coffee in your hands like you need to think about it.

You're over thinking when there's nothing to think about.
Your heartbeat fastens like you're running away from something.

You say you're not scared. When I never asked if you were.

Darling, I just asked if you want me to stay.

Darling, don't be afraid.
Its only love.

Its only magic