

It's funny isn't it
How some people just click off
Right there right now
As if they knew each other for a long time
Yet here I am, with my shadow as my only friend
Wandering around with an empty heart

I remember growing up and asking myself
what did I do wrong?"
why does nobody like me?
Why does nobody stay?
And along the way, I got lost in despair
Painting my tainted soul with colorful personalities
Ones that were so much different
Ones that weren't me
Ones to deceive even the most intelligent
A perfect actor, yes that's what I was
Pretending to be someone I'm not
Fear was choking me but I had to pretend
I had to be someone else
Maybe then would I have someone I call a friend

Years passed, and I finally made one
Selling myself for their love
Losing myself in the process
And I did my best
I fought, I helped, I loved, I stayed
Until they healed, and then they left
And the cycle starts again
Welcome to my life
© maya