


Enter this cadaverous khadi
As with the wand of a magi
"Tell the wailing creeks
Let go your drum sticks"

Absolution to the Abo
For the sins of their pastime
Ta-ta-ta-ta Ko-ko-ko
This music is not a crime

It became our native song
The day you stole our gong
The cadence of sighs and cries
the bacchanalia of flies

Says the khadi in his authority
"This parade is novelty!
Abnegate your song for our amnesty
For we must plunder your audacity."

"No!" cries the blood of Ken, "No!
With our empty nets dripping black
Without even a dead tatabonko
Only in justics shall we slack"

Ta-ta-ta-ta Ko-ko-ko
Tottering since the badge milieu
Ko-ko-ko-ko Ta-ta-ta
The savage rhyme becomes a play

Now calls in the dance
Pasdedeux! Just for us and they
We have never been known for pranks
The music is now EVERYWHERE!
© FrancisUdo